Bollywood and hip-Hop @Open Stage
When Hip-Hop meets Bollywood
Bollywood was a guest into Hip-Hop dancers at Open Stage des Petits Belges for 2 improviations that enabled nice moments of art exchange!
Crédit Photo: Bouchra Draoui
Bollywood was a guest into Hip-Hop dancers at Open Stage des Petits Belges for 2 improviations that enabled nice moments of art exchange!
Crédit Photo: Bouchra Draoui
Tala & Nritya ASBL vous offre 1 x 2 places pour la nouvelle comédie musicale bollywoodienne « BHARATI 2 »
Tentez votre chance pour le 9 janvier à Charleroi ou le 20 janvier à Bruxelles.
A glimpse of our Bollywood dance class special Halloween for our kids from 7 to 12.
Congrats to our Princesses, they were... horribly scary !
Bollywood Fever class special Halloween.
Thansk to our participants for playing along; you were gruesomely fantastic!
Images au Parc Duden et au Parc Georges-Henri.
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