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Frequently Asked Questions – Indian dance classes

class="img-responsive"""OUR DIFFERENT CLASSES

BOLLYWOOD : a spicy blend of classical and folk dances from India, with elements from Western and Eastern dances
INDIAN CREATIVE DANCE: work and improvisation games for children on Indian music as well as dance techniques
ODISSI : Indian classical dance of the State of Odisha (Eastern India) with gracious and precise movements



Are Indian dance classes intended only for women/girls or also for men/boys?
For both! Whether it is Odissi, creative dance or Bollywood, everyone can learn and participate in these classes. In Bollywood movies, choreographies are often built around colourful stories involving both genders. Our classes are aimed at women/girls as well as men/boys.

Are your classes mixed-gender?
As Indian dance is expressed by both men and women, our classes are mixed-gender.

Is there a suitable age to learn Indian dance?
We teach children from 1st primary school with a creative approach to dance. For adults, there is no age limit; people of various ages come to our classes. It is never too late to start, as long as dancing is a pleasure and brings you happiness!

Which level can I choose? Do I need prerequisites?
Prerequisites are not particularly needed if you want to start Indian dance classes. In the beginner classes, we first teach the technique and easy choreographies. If you have already practiced extensively another type of dance and want to start in a more advanced course, do not hesitate to inform the teacher. She will help you to find the class that best suits your level.

What is an "open level" class?
An open level class is accessible to any level of dance, beginners or not. We focus mainly on learning a choreography, which allows beginners to learn the technique, and other levels to deepen it.

My child will soon be 6 years old and is already doing dance. Can he / she start creative Indian & Bollywood dance classes?
It is mandatory for any child participating in our classes to have started primary school. The development of a kindergarten child is not yet the same and this can be extremely frustrating for her/him. We no longer take children going to kindergarten.



We have two types of classes :

1) Tala & Nritya classes in several dance studios in Brussels: Pianofabriek, Centr'Al, Up - Jogo Vivo and Poseidon
- Bollywood classes for children,teenagers and adults beginner level
- Bollywood classes for adults, intermediate and advanced levels;
- Odissi classes for adults, beginner and intermediate levels

2) Classes organised by schools that employ us:
- Bollywood classes given at Poseidon for adults;
Regarding these classes, please note that we do not manage the registrations and do not decide on the rates, timetables, etc. We kindly ask you to contact them directly if you have any administrative question.



How does a class for children and teens take place?
Each class begins with warm-up exercises and ends with relaxing stretching exercises. We review the mudras (hands and fingers gesture), we work on technique and then a choreography.

How does a class for adults take place?
Each class starts with warm-up exercises adapted to the type of dance, with special attention given to muscle reinforcement. Afterwards, we review the mudras (hands and fingers gesture) and then we work on a choreography. Each class ends with efficient stretching exercises.

What to wear during the class?
Bollywood and Indian creative dance is practiced bare feet or in socks/dance slippers. Bring an ample outfit in which you feel comfortable. If you have an Indian tunic or colorful ample skirt, it is a perfect opportunity to wear it!
For the Odissi classes, the course is practiced bare feet since there are repeated feet beats. We advise you to wear an tunic/kurti/dance saree and a pair of leggings or Indian pants.

Which languages ​​are spoken during the class?
Our teachers are usually French-speaking and speak English very well. Classes are given in French and English if necessary.

How many students are there in each class?
Our classes are suitable for groups of 15 to 20 people maximum. A minimum of 6 registrations is required to maintain a class.



What are the timetables?
Our classes take place every week, except during school holidays. You can find a summary of our timetables here.

What is the difference between a trial class and Open Doors' event?

Discovery class' event
Discovery days are occasionally organised. This type of event gives you the opportunity to come and try a Bollywood beginner class and/or Odissi at a special price before deciding to subscribe. The open doors days at Poseidon do not necessarily correspond to those of Tala & Nritya. Check out the information on our website and social media.

Trial classes
The rest of the year, it is always possible to try one of our classes. Please contact us beforehand. The trial class costs 10 € per child and 15 € per adult. Please note that Poseidon charge their own rates for kids and teens. These prices are deductible from the final subscription.



What are the prices of our classes?
You can find the rates for our classes here. You will find the rates related to the classes at Poseidon on their website.

In which cases can I benefit from a discount on classes?
You get 10% on the subscription (not the annual fee) if:
- you follow more than one class
- you are a student <25 years old (only with proof)
- you are over 65 years old
- you are a unemployed (only with proof)
- reduction on child subscription if their parent or brother/sister also registers
If you have subscribed to a subscription and are in order of contribution, we are authorized to sign the annual document of your health insurance (Belgian "mutuelle") for a sports intervention (reimbursement up to 50 € in some mutuals). You can find this document on the website of your Belgian health insurance.

These discounts are only valid for courses organized by Tala & Nritya (not the classes of Poseidon).

What happens if I miss a class?
Our bi-annual and annual subscriptions have been calculated adding a few possible missed classes.

Can I follow several classes?
Yes, it is possible to take several courses per week, provided you have the required level. There is a reduction of 10% on each additional course. The annual registration fee is paid only once, regardless of the total number of courses. Bear in mind that this reduction does not apply to the open level class in Poseidon.

What is the annual fee?
It allows you to become a member of our non-profit association. Our annual fee is of 15 €, it is mandatory as of the second class taken. It covers the administrative costs related to your subscription and includes the accident insurance. It is independent from a potential other contribution to be paid for classes at Poseidon.

How do I pay for the classes?
Tala & Nritya classes/subscriptions and annual subscription have to be paid by bank transfer to our Fortis account BE31 0017 1715 7755 only.

The cards/subscriptions for Poseidon classes have to be paid to them directly.



Is there a show at the end of the year?
Our school organises a show, “Indian Colours”, every two years in a large performance hall. Each group presents its work alongside our company and guest artists.

There is an show at the end of each year organised by Poseidon.

It is also possible to participate in certain performances with our teachers (charity events, Indian Food Festival, etc.)!

Must I participate in the show?
Participation in the show is not compulsory. But most of our students participate because it is always a wonderful and joyful occasion to present what becomes for many a real passion. Moreover, it is a good opportunity to meet the other students and our professional artists.

Are there any costs related to the show?
There are fess related to the participation of the show and possible rental of costumes. We pay attention to keep prices as low as possible.



Do you have another question? Contact us here.

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